Dautuly Shingisbai Kazhi Mosque
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The mosque named after Dautuly Shingisbai Kazhi or Zhami Mosque is a spiritual heritage of the city and one of the oldest solid buildings of the middle of the 19th century. It is located in the old part of Shymkent. 

In the first half of the 20th century, from the formation of Soviet Union until the end of the World War II, the mosque was used as a military barracks. In 1947, it was returned to people and they called it Koshkar ata. From 1947 to 1997 it was central regional mosque. In 2000, the old name Koshkar ata was changed to modern. The total area of ​​the mosque is 717.3 sq.m. In the courtyard there are two minarets with the height 4.8 m and 10 m.




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