Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M.Auezov
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The Theater is located on Abay Avenue, 103. It is called the cradle of the national theater with good reason. The great playwright A.N. Ostrovsky wrote: "The National Theatre is a sign of the age of majority of nation... Every people would like to have a home theatre and be proud of it."

At the beginning, the theater was in Kyzyl-Orda - former capital of the Kazakh SSR. The first rehearsals were held in the end of 1925. In January 13, 1926, the theater opened its doors to the public. A play was presented for their approval by Koshke Kemengerov "Altyn Sakina" ("Golden Ring"). In 1929, the band moved to the new capital of the republic, to Almaty. Leading figures of theatrical art in Kazakhstan - People's Artist of the USSR H.Bukeev, B.Rimov, Sh.Aymanov, I.Nogaybaev, A.Ashimov served there at different times.

In 1982, the Kazakh Drama Theatre named after M.Auezov moved to a new magnificent building in the center of Almaty. Architects worked at the theater project under the supervision of O. Baymurzayev and A. Kaynarbaev. A drum-type scene was built which allowed filmmakers to use various staging solutions. The monument of M.Auezov was erected on the Theatre Square (sculptor B. Sergebayev). Plays by Shakespeare, Hauptmann, Gogol, Auezov Saparbay, Nurmaganbetov, Bulyakov, Isabekov and others have had a great success. Performances in the theater are in the Kazakh language, with simultaneous translation.




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