The church of the holy Job the Long-suffering on the Volkovskoye cemetery
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The only church in honor of the holy Job the Long-suffering operating nowadays in Russia is located at Volkovskoye cemetery. The temple is one of the most representative samples of Petersburg church architecture in Russian style. It was founded in 1885 over the grave of honorary citizen Iov Mikhailovich Krukov and built at his widow's expense. The church was often visited by the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, since he was born on the day of St.Job, on the 19th of May.

After the revolution, the authorities proposed to close and tear the church down due to the impossibility to use it for cultural and economic purposes. However, the church has kept not only decoration and icons, but also some implements from the closed churches of the Volkovskoye cemetery.

 Photo: by СПб ГУП "Пассажиравтотранс".




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СПб ГУП «Пассажиравтотранс»

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