Versailles Cathedral of St Louis
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This beautiful Catholic church ahead of you is actually the Cathedral of Versailles, even though it has been a cathedral for only about 100 years. Before that, it was simply the parish church of Notre Dame of Versailles.
Even before that, there was a different church on this spot. Initially, the church was dedicated to St Julian of Brioude, a 4th century martyr. He was quite an influential saint here, since according to the legend St Julian was born in this area.
However, despite the importance of St Julian, King Louis XIV decided to build a new church which would, of course, be dedicated to St Louis, the king’s patron-saint, so in 1681, the old church was demolished and the king himself laid the first stone of the new one. St Julian's church was later rebuilt in a nearby town to avoid angering the saint.
Until the French Revolution, which took place at the end of the 18th century, the Church of St Louis underwent little change, remaining a parish church of Notre Dame.
After the Revolution, however, the church was turned into a Temple of Abundance, which was quite a common practice by the new government. It was badly defaced; for instance, a laborer was painted on the facade of St Louis’ church to indicate its new purpose.
There is great organ in St Louis Cathedral, a masterpiece of carpentry, built by the famous Alexandre Cliquot. It is huge, weighing about 53 tons, so it is stunning to see such weight supported so effortlessly. Please do not hesitate to go inside and see for yourself.




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Ville de Versailles

Ville de Versailles

Versailles possède son Château, la ville est son écrin